Data Security & Privacy highlights
1) All data is stored in a highly secure and certified data center on fast, fully-redundant servers.
Physical Layer – Facility
Physical Layer – Network
Logical Layer
Automated Operations
Admin Access to Data
Data Security & Privacy highlights
Application Security
Authentication Options
Secure Credential Storage
API Security & Authentication
Access Privileges & Roles
Access to data within PracticeLeague is governed by access rights, and can be configured to define
granular access privileges. PracticeLeague provides a completely customizable user access control
which enables you create roles and privileges as per the needs of your firm/Legal Department.
Data Security & Privacy highlights
IP Restrictions
Access to data within PracticeLeague is governed by access rights, and can be configured to define
granular access privileges. PracticeLeague provides a completely customizable user access control
which enables you create roles and privileges as per the needs of your firm/Legal Department.
Data Encryption
Encryption in Transit
Encryption at Rest
Encryption of documents
Field Level Encryption
Secure Credential Storage
API Security & Authentication
Secure Development Practices
.Net Framework Security Controls
Security Training
Quality Assurance
Separate Environments
Privacy Policy
System Hardening, Application of Updates, Bug Fixes and Security Patches
Pre-Upgrade Testing Processes
Audit/Logs for security events
Login History
Record Creation and Modification Fields
Setup Audit Trail
5) IP address
Data Deletion/Purging
Data Backup, Protection
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Program/RPO/RTO
For the clients on Microsoft Azure cloud platform, additional level redundancy and recoverability is
offered through Recovery feature.
At the Azure data center, our servers assigned to a secondary location which contains a real-time
replication of their data and dedicated redundant capacity. The primary and secondary sites are
located in two separate geographically separate data centers. In the event of a disaster, this allows
Practiceleague restore the services to original state.